BE the buffalo

Resilience is your ability to rebound from life challenges—not by avoiding them—but by facing them head on like the buffalo. 

Be the Buffalo.

The American Buffalo serves well as a metaphor for resilience. While domesticated cattle try to outwit and outrun a storm, buffalo instinctually know that to outrun a storm is impossible. They face the storm head on and are rewarded for their strength and ability to rebound: Buffalo suffer less, conserve energy, and spend far less time in the freezing rain, drizzle, high winds, snow, and more. In contrast, cattle suffer longer, exert more energy, and spend more time in the chaos of a storm than the buffalo that charges straight into it.

During our time together, I provide an empathic, safe space for you to head into your storm with supportive understanding, and genuineness. Human storms can arise from infidelity or mistrust in a marriage, the death of a loved one, panic attacks, depression, existential angst, or a major life transition. As you face your challenges, you will receive non-judgmental, unconditional support to help you push through the storm and enter your seasonal renewal.

The Five Pillars of Resilience.

There are five aspects of human resilience: Self-Awareness, Self-Care, Mindfulness, Supportive Relationships, and Meaning and Purpose. During stressful times, any or all of these pillars may weaken, become unstable, or break. Working with a counselor can help you strengthen, stabilize, and mend them so you suffer less and spend less time living in chaos, pain, and suffering. 


    Recognize your emotions, thoughts, physical sensations, relations to others, connection to your environment, and strengths and weaknesses.


    Engaging in activities that enhance your well-being in these eight areas: Emotional, Physical, Spiritual, Social, Environmental, Intellectual, Financial, and Vocational.


    Focusing on the here and now, purposefully and with intention—leaving all judgment aside in the spirit of greater self-knowledge and understanding.


    Seeking out and maintaining healthy and supportive relationships who give as much as take, take as much as give and accept you for who you are now, who you were in the past, and what you will become in the future.

  • Meaning & Purpose

    Living life reflective of your values and beliefs while connecting with the universe and humanity in ways far greater than your own presence.